Chelsea Renee | Womb Embodiment Coach

 Welcome Wild Heart ♥ 
Womb Healer • Tarot Witch • Sound Alchemist • Plant Medicine Mystic • Psychic Medium • Quantum Bridger • Dark Feminine Guide

 Anchoring Feminine Flow + Leading you into Aligned Masculine Action



I work within the subconscious of your Womb energy to help you understand yourself on a more spiritual & feminine Level. Through my own powerful intuition, I work with your own Spirit Guides and Higher Self to access your Akashic Records + relay back to you messages that will help shift your perspective to seeing things from the Highest View.

By unpacking and delving into these intricate parts of your psyche, you are able to release painful memories, and stored energy that has been held in your body that creates stagnancy and Lack Mentality.

What can you expect working with me?

I work within the subconscious of your Womb energy to help you understand yourself on a more spiritual & feminine Level. Through my own powerful intuition, I work with your own Spirit Guides and Higher Self to access your Akashic Records + relay back to you messages that will help shift your perspective to seeing things from the Highest View.

By unpacking and delving into these intricate parts of your psyche, you are able to release painful memories, and stored energy that has been held in your body that creates stagnancy and Lack Mentality.

Through my own Lifestyle ands Embodiments, I have developed a skillset that will help you harness both your Dark and Light Feminine Energies.  Teaching men & women how to use their ancient womb/lifeforce energy and awaken the Kundalini to create a balanced force from within. 

I specialize in: 

🌹Past Lives healing/clearing (Karmic Energy).

🌹 Mediumship - Passed loved ones, animals, ascended masters, spirit guides.

🌹removing curses/utu/hex, cord cutting, energy clearing and shielding, 

🌹developing your Clair sense and intuition.

🌹soul controls, Karmic relationships + Soul Mates.

🌹energy upgrades + remembrance.

🌹mediumship and paranormal investing.

🌹sexual and sensual healing.

🌹plant medicine healing and education.

🌹light language clearing and upskilling.

🌹Divine Feminine Healing.


You may experince all of these or just a few. I allow the messages to surge through me in our co-creations to gift you exactly it is you need in the moment.

Ready to be the change?

check out my coaching packages here

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